constant grace

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As I Was Saying Five Years Ago

I try to finish things, but sometimes it takes years. In this case five of them.🙂 This post brings me full circle ~ all the way back to my first blog post here on Squarespace.

My first blog post here on Squarespace.

Picking up on a closing thought from my first blog post here which was April 2, 2018 . . . about ideas for the dead space known as our Formal Dining Room. And not to swerve hard off-topic, but do you remember when Prince changed his name and became The Artist formerly known as Prince? Well our Dining Room had much the same experience, but in the end got a more suave and sophisticated name, it’s now The Wine Lounge.

Yes, we’re Christians and we enjoy wine.🙃

Currently we are wrapping up a year long remodel of some exterior and interior spaces.
As Dickens put it,

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.

And now it’s almost finished.

In all of our naivete we had planned a real wine cellar room with a huge refrigerated and lighted area that was set off by these cool arched metal and glass doors. Then reality hit and we were shell shocked by the cost and hit delete on those grandiose plans. But, the idea of a cozy little space to swivel in some pubby-clubby leather chairs while chatting with friends and sipping wine sounded doable. So we did it.

Charlotte, our cocker spaniel, loves to watch the street traffic so that she can bark wildly when any other canine passes by while enjoying a morning walk. My daughters coerced me into the deep green wall paint and now I’m so glad they did. The brick floor exudes a kind of Napa feel and I have a walnut French buffet deux corps that holds all the charcuterie trays and glassware. When we hosted about 70 people for a 1920’s Party celebrating our granddaughter’s birthday we found that all evening small groups would end up in those pubby-clubby leather chairs and chat while refilling their plates and seeing who the latest arrivals were.

So that’s the rest of the story on the closing ideas in my first blog post from 5 years ago. There’s a link to that post just below.
Finally, closure!

. . .tomorrow’s another day,


My First Blog Post